Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Taking the steps...to freedom

I finally started to take steps towards getting out of "organized religion" and sent an email to the ladies department head (yes, there is a separate ladies department at the musjid). They have me on an email list serve about all the religious programs and news (which I delete before I read anyway) so I told them to take me off. I emailed three different people saying "please remove me from the list" and I got the response "I am sending your request to Sadr Sahiba (the department head), she will held the necessary details". Then I got the response from the Sadr Sahiba "Should our lajna (ladies department) not have you on its membership? Please confirm before we take you off." I replied "Yes, I want to be taken off for personal reasons". For God's sake, it pretty damn clear I want to be taken off the list! Lets see what they say now.

I think I know whats going to happen. Someone will contact my mom asking her for clarification (when all they need to do is talk to me). She is going to have a very hard time accepting it. Then they will probably contact the Caliph himself (the ultimate head of the cult-like group; no disrespect intended) and a stern letter might be sent my way which will probably send me even further away. I refuse to live in fear of anything.

Lets see what happens now. Let the games begin :)

1 comment:

Banno said...

Looks like you have a tough battle ahead. I walked out of the "cult" and "religion" bit years ago, when things were less fanatic. Take care.