Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Day in and day out, all I hear from my school administartion is "Get the test scores up at any cost!" I sit in endless, meaningless meetings all geared towards testing 3rd graders. Since Bush came into power and created "No Child Left Behind"law, every child will be left behind. I wish I could teach my kids about the world they live in, the countries, the diversity, the intriguing history...instead I teach them for hours on how to answer "Open Ended Questions"/essays. They know nothing outside of their small town. Thats classic of every American public school now. They live in a bubble. No wonder Americans suck at geography and history. And no wonder they don't know their country's own foreign policies...they just dont know and teachers are not allowed to teach it. Bush has successfully led another generation into deeper darkness. Frustrating.
On a lighter note, I'm going to desi wedding next weekend! Yay...time to take out the saari again!

1 comment:

Banno said...

The American system does not seem much different from the Indian one, where children spend all their school years, and most of their college years, just "mugging up" for exams.