Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Law and Order

Law and Order: There should be a law against stereotyping.

The beginning of the show caught my eye; brown chic sleeping with a white guy wearing a cross. She was a film major, making a film about racism in Queens, NY. Fine. I like desis in unconventional fields. The story takes a major turn when she turns up dead, face bashed in cement, and the words 4 911 written in her blood.

Set in the backdrop of post 911 New York, the detective work goes from suspecting immigrant-hater Jews, jealous boyfriend, classic "arranged" marriage fiance, to her own family. Typical honor killing scenario here. She was pregnant (surprise, surprise) so her brother killed her.

Why couldn't it be a story about jews killing muslims? Too taboo for tv? She was portrayed as the classic ABCD (they even said that in the show, mispronouncing desi as "dessee"!) Couldn't she be a film maker fighting against racism in her hometown, highlighting the struggle of peaceful muslims being persecuted post 911? Instead Law and Order took this "oppurtunity" to show "Muslims kill their own". <> I'm tired of that portrayal. Humor me.

Dialgoues were RIDDLED with expletives ('you terrorist bitch' was just classic). Urdu was poorly excuted and no actors were actually Pakistani or muslim. Their desi accents seemed forced and completely fake.

Whats wrong with showing an American Pakistani Muslim woman, speaking flawless English, (if that matters), highlighting her personal views on racism through the film medium?

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